Sunday, May 30, 2010

from oilfield to petro station

The oil is the mine gold in now days and the whole people in the world use it as a sours of power so I will write about how the oil go from the oil field to the petrol station.

The oil is located by making some test for the field then they study the result of the test. Next, the oil is pumped through pipelines which are very long from the oil field to the petroleum factory. After that, the oil is stored in a huge storage tanks, Then, the oil is refine into different product including petrol and this process take long time to be done. The petrol is stored in tanks. Then the petrol is transported to petrol station. The petrol is stored in underground tanks and they sent it to the petrol station by truces. Finally the petrol is pumped into your car tanks then you pay for the petrol company.

In summary, now you know how the petrol come from the oil field to your car tank, and you know how it’s hard to bring the oil to the consumers

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