Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spending Money and Time - Pie Chart

These two pie chart shows how people in the UK spend their money on leisure products between two ages, the 20-30 group and 50-60 group. Overall the biggest percentage is for electronic equipment in both groups.

First, the biggest percentage in two groups of spending money is on electronic equipment at 41% and 38% respectively. Second, the biggest differences between the two groups are, books, magazines and sports. In first group the percent of gardening is 7% but it increases to 16% in the second age group between 50-60. Next, people who use photography in both groups have the same percentage of spending which is 5%. Finally, the other hobbies are similar at 11% in the first group which is 20-30 Age and 8% in the second group which is 50-60.

In summary, the level of photography in both groups is same. Most people in the both groups like to spend their time and money on the electronic equipment and books and magazines.

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